Friday, October 10, 2008

Finally.....A Photo & Much, Much More....

So here are the photos that I waited what seemed like FOREVER for. Finally, she is real. Isn't she a beautiful girl.... Definately worth the wait. In the first, she is like..hmmm...let me think about that one. That is is her smart look. In the second, she is all delicate and sweet. Surely the epitome of sugar and spice and everything nice. Now my dog runs in fear of her, but that is for another day. I cried. I stared at these photos and cried. I was meeting my girlfriends for lunch at the local Pasta House so I printed out the photos for them to see. There was much celebrating and picture hanging in my house that day.

What a difference a couple weeks makes. From super High to oh so low. Anna is in the hospital. Bronchitis. I cannot tell you how worried I was. It was an awful day. Babies were passing away and Anna and Micheal were in the hospital. I felt so helpless being so far away. My baby is sick and prayer is my only option. For a woman of action, this really sucked. I had no real details as I sat on the couch and waited for my call. 1 am became 2 am, then 3 am. Still waiting on Shim to call. I fell asleep on the couch with the phone clutched in my hand. I was up at 6:00 phone still clutched in my hand. At 7:01 I called Shim. I waited as long as I could. Silly man didn't want to call me b/c he thought I would be asleep. I did not want to call him for the same reason. Neither of us really slept. He didn't have much news anyway... So there I sat on the couch like a vegetable. Fear just gripped me. The poor dog around noon finally gave up and peed in the house. My fault, I just couldn't move. She got out of the hospital a few days later. I totally over reacted. I hate not being in control and usually I can have that illusion.
Christmas was good. Anxiously waiting for my court date to come, but people were getting really excited that she was comming... I got tons of presents for her. I began working on her room and getting more and more excited.
Now if January 15th, my court date would just come. I was counting days at this point. Any way...
January 14th I get this e-mail
Good morning Rhonda,


Your adoption has been approved today! Anna is officially your daughter!

Have a great day!Shimeliss Demissie, BS, MS.Ed

Yep...they had the date off. No sleepless night for me. No midnight e-mail checks.... What a blessing.

Here is the poem I wrote for my girl.

Anna's Poem

Some how from the beginning of time,
God had planned for you to always be mine.
Why he felt me worthy, I cannot say,
But I will be thankful each and every day.
You are my blessing from Heaven above,
An answer to prayer & proof of God's unfailing love.
I pray for your mom who had to let you go,
I have no doubt she loved you so.
Some will ask if you are really mine,
Yes your are, our hearts are intertwined.
God makes families through his Glory,
So adoption is our amazing family story.
From accross the world we were brought together,
Through love that will last forever.
I see your beautiful eyes each night in my head,
I am getting so anxious for what lies ahead.
I am counting the days until I can get on that plane,
Knowing my life will never be the same.
You have changed my life though we have never met,
I am so happy, and the best hasn't happened yet.
In 5 long weeks, I will get to hold you close,
Kiss your cheeks, your fingers and your toes.
To hear you cry and see you smile,
I'll hold you so close for quite a while.
Then we will be a family,You, Ollie, and Me!
Thanks to the girls who saw me through,
I'll tell your babies, Mama said she loves you.
