Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tumbling and Apple Juice

So Anna is now a Bumble Bee. That is the name of her tumbling group. I signed her up for lessons and she LOVES it. She can't swing from the bars b/c of her Nurse Maid Elbow. Her left arm has popped out of socket 4 yes count them 4 times. The last time the doctor told me how to pop it back in. So my first thought is I don't think so. We will see if it happens again.

So we totally masted the bear crawl on the parallel bars. They are about 6 inches of the ground. She did ok on the balance beam and on the spring board. The wall walk and cart wheel... well we tried. Her favorite was this huge floor trampoline that leads to a pit with foam blocks the size of loaves of bread. She bounced and jumped her little heart out.

So we are leaving after her first class and I am so thirsty. I have been lifting and flipping her for 30 minutes and Iam HOT. I see a McDonalds across the street and ask.... sweet tea or apple juice? She says apple juice.... Me being a cheap skate says how about Sweet Tea (thinking we can share) She says how about apple juice... I put her in her car seat and ask once more... How about Sweet Tea?
She grabs my chin in her little hand and says..."listen, how about apple juice!" Being the bad mom, I am. I laugh. Well that made her mad. She tightens her grip and says, Listen, LISTEN! HOW ABOUT APPLE JUICE!!!!!!". I got a diet coke and she got her apple juice. Next time I will win... I will win, I promise.